2020考研英語剛剛結束,今年的英二作文在出題方向上還是中規中矩的,相信平時做了練習和準備的同學應該對這兩篇作文并不陌生,今天文都考研英語老師在考后和同學們分享2020考研英語二大作文的范文一篇。如果你還不清楚,不妨看看2020考研英語(二)真題作文(手機閱讀)參考范文的文章,如有需要及時加入陜西文都20考研交流群, 陜西文都考研網持續為您提供考研所需的相關指導信息。20考研資料共享:【互動可加群】丨官方網站【@陜西文都考研】
Directions: Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
1) interpret the chart, and
2) give your comments
You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
The above chart provides a series of impressive data regarding how college students using their smart phones To be concrete, the percentage of studying occupies 58 percent, ranking the first one in the graph, followed by referring to materials whose proportion reaches 28 percent, with having fun and other purposes accounting for 12 percent, and 2 percent respectively.
There is no denying in saying that in recent decades, the number of college students using their smart phone to study has been steadily and continuously increasing due to the fact that the advancement of modern society’s technology. Besides, it is not hard to understand that smart phone has become a necessary part in college student’s daily life, thus attracting an increasing number of students to enjoy themselves by their phone. Furthermore, with people’s living styles changing, students prefer to develop their social life on internet and find more useful information to satisfy their academic and life’s needs.
So what will be the possible tendency of the phenomenon reflected by the chart in the future? From my perspective, this established tendency is positive and acceptable. As a result, it is unnecessary for the public to regard it with apprehension.