2020考研已進入最后的沖刺階段,考研英語應該提到日程上來了!除了背寫作模板,還需做一件事,那就是寫作素材積累,那么,有哪些熱門素材值得我們積累呢?如果你不太清楚,不妨來和小編一起來看看“2020考研英語作文備考:十大熱門素材,值得收藏 ”的文章。
1.霧霾 haze
The market for dust masks and air purifiers is booming in Beijing because the capital has been shrouded for several days in thick fog and haze .
2.工業化 industrialization
I think nobody will disagree ( that ) pollution is a by-product of industrialization .
3.空氣污染指數 air pollution index
The annual average of the air pollution index ( API ) showed a decrease tendency in recent 3 years , and put forward the air pollution preventing and curing countermeasures .
4.橙色預警 orange alert
The Central Station ( CMS ) yesterday morning extended the warning of a strong cold spell and snowstorms by issuing an orange alert , the second-highest level .
5. 懸浮顆粒物 airborne particulate matter
Long-term exposure to airborne particulate matter reduces lung function and increases the risk of getting lung cancer .
6. 有毒物質 toxic substance
Nicotine is one of key factors related to tobacco quality and a toxic substance in environment , in fact , nicotine is the major harmful ingredient in wastewater and tobacco waste .
7.空氣質量檢測 air quality monitoring
All large and medium-sized Chinese cities will have greater air quality monitoring by 2010 .
9.能見度低 low visibility
It reported that heavy fog and low visibility were prolonging the encounter .
10.乘客滯留 passengers stranded
A huge number of flights have been delayed or cancelled , nearly three hundred in Beijing alone , leaving thousands of passengers stranded .